“Blue Jeans” (A Tap)– Gold/Specialty Award: “Sassically Synched”
“I Lived” (Sydnie Cabral)– ABSOLUTE/Highest Scoring Competitive Sr. Tap Routine/8th Place OVERALL Sr. Competitive Solos
“Jet Set” (A Jazz)– Gold
“Jumpin’ Jack” (P Tap)– High Gold
“Kill the Lights” (P Pom)– ABSOLUTE/Specialty Award: “Force of Fierce”/3rd Place OVERALL Teen Competitive Groups
“No Way” (Kennedy Correia)– High Gold/Specialty Award: “Spectral Animation”
“Opposites Attract” (P Jazz)– ABSOLUTE/5th Place OVERALL Sr. Competitive Groups
“Rock Anthem” (P Irish HS)– ABSOLUTE/Highest Scoring Competitive Sr. Open Routine/4th Place OVERALL Sr. Groups
“Stereotypes” (P Irish SS)– High Gold
“Throwbacks” (P Hip Hop)– ABSOLUTE/Highest Scoring Competitive Sr. Hip Hop Routine/2nd Place OVERALL Sr. Groups
“Time to Turn Up” (Faith Faria)– ABSOLUTE/Highest Scoring Competitive Teen Hip Hop Routine/4th Place OVERALL Teen Competitive Solos
“Wait For Me” (P Ballet)– High Gold
“Welcome to the Jungle” (P Acro)– High Gold
“Wildside” (Hayden Figueiredo)– High Gold