General Rules
- Please do your best to follow all of the rules. They are all set forth for a reason. If we all work together we can make it a great experience for everyone!
- No food or drinks allowed in the auditorium. Dancers/audience may bring in water.
- Costumes worn out of the dressing area MUST BE COVERED!!! You can wear your Recital t-shirt over costume. The show is a surprise to our audience and we want to keep it that way by covering our costumes.
- Enter and exit auditorium during dance change only. Doors WILL NOT be opened during a dance!! The door will be monitored and this rule will be enforced.
- If someone is holding the door shut during a performance do not bang on it and try to push it open
- No earrings, body jewelry, rings, bracelets or jewelry of any kind!!
- No sitting on the floor or the aisle during Recital. Everyone must purchase a ticket.
- No walking in front of the stage or in front of the teacher’s table near front row. We have wires running to stage and don’t want anyone to fall.
- Please be courteous to others and do not bring big balloons, stuffed animals, etc. into the Recital as they will block others view.
- Parents of little ones- Your children will be lined up in the hallway in front of the door to backstage. You may stay with them until they go backstage. NO PARENTS ARE ALLOWED BACKSTAGE. After their dance please come retrieve them from that same hallway.
- You will be required to get your child to the hallway 5 numbers before their routine. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS READY TO PERFORM, WE DO NOT HOLD THE SHOW IF NOT EVERYONE IS THERE.
- If your child does not make it on the stage in time they will not be allowed to run on in the middle of the dance
- You may videotape/take pictures at the rehearsal and dress rehearsal only.
- Flash photography and a sea of little red lights are very distracting to the dancers and therefore
are not allowed. Anyone seen videotaping/photographing during Recital will be asked to leave.
- Pictures may be taken in the foyer area or after the show.
- Recital DVD’s will be available for purchase.
- Students are expected to arrive one hour prior to each show start time to get in full make-up and hair.
- COSTUMES DO NOT NEED TO BE WORN TO THE SCHOOL. It is your choice whether or not to have your child arrive in costume but keep in mind what could happen to it on the way to the school (i.e. wrinkling). They also must be covered with something (i.e. Recital t-shirt) so the audience cannot see the costume.
- If a student is not there in time the show will start as expected. We will not hold a dance if you are late.
- For the little ones, once your dance is completed you may leave as long as you are not in the finale. Please note if you leave you must come back and perform in the second show.
Hair, Make up, & Costume Guidelines
Girl’s Hair
- Hair must be neatly tied back in a low bun (hairnet must be worn around bun)
- No bangs/No part
- No glitter, colored sprays or anything else that alters the appearance. We have a lot of people with allergies so please respect these rules.
- See picture on board in waiting room
Boy’s Hair
- No glitter, colored sprays or anything else that alters the appearance
- Faux hawk with gel
- See picture on board in waiting room
Girl’s Make-up
- Color scheme is to be earth tones (browns).
- Lipstick color- “Cherries in the Snow” by Revlon #440
- Make-up needs to be heavier than usual to show up on stage
- See picture on board in waiting room
- No costumes are to be worn out of dressing room w/o covering (ie. Recital t-shirt)
- Please make sure costumes are steamed and in good condition, we are putting on a professional show and want to have a professional appearance.
- Costumes have been steamed prior to you receiving so please leave hung up in bag.
- Costumes are to be worn as decided on per costume book. Costume book will be available
- No changes without consulting instructor
- No underwear/bra under costumes. Wearing these undergarments causes “underwear lines” visible from stage. UNDERTARDS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!!
- TIGHTS MUST BE THE SAME BRAND/COLOR THAT IS REQUIRED, which may be purchased at the studio.
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