Rehearsal this year will be in the Durfee Gymnasium
- Those students who are not performing in Recital may come to this tech rehearsal but must adhere to the following rules.
- Rehearsal will follow order of actual Recital (We will most likely do Finale first so little ones don’t have to stay too late)
- Students are to come in regular class dress code. NO T-SHIRTS OR PANTS. If you are not in dress code you will not be able to perform.
- Please arrive 30 minutes early
- Please bring all shoes needed
- Hair must be tied up neatly and tightly!
- ONLY STUDENT AND ONE PARENT/ADULT ARE TO COME. ONE ADULT PER STUDENT. NO OTHER FRIENDS OR FAMILY. This is a strict rehearsal and limited interruption is needed.
- You will need a parent pass to enter (this will be further explained)
- If you are not performing in Recital and your child is participating in Rehearsal please see Miss Kiirsten directly for more info.
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